Democrat Bob Dearing, center, flanked by attorneys from Butler Snow in Pike County. 

Affidavits are being counted in Pike County today in a still-too-close-to-call race between Republican Senator Melanie Sojourner and Democrat Bob Dearing in the Senate District 37 race.

With the race tight and every vote in the heavily leaning Republican county more likely to end the race in favor of Sojourner, the Democrat has called in the guns of Butler Snow. 

Butler Snow, a law firm turned government affairs operation, is the home base of uber-lobbyist and former Republican Governor Haley Barbour. 

It’s no secret that the Barbour clan has a serious problem getting their way with the conservative Sojourner and would like to see her retired to Kingston, MS. 

The attorneys are reportedly stopping the count and asking the names and addresses of every affidavit voter.

Another potential for shenanigans is that the heavily leaning Democrat Adams County has yet to release their final certified numbers and one of the election commissioners there has reportedly traveled to Jackson to get “help” before releasing them. 

The state GOP should take notice and get involved. It looks like some tricks are afoot. 

Stay tuned folks! This one is getting more interesting by the hour. 

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