PLUNKETT: SB 2161 perpetuates statism of #CommonCore; Gov. Bryant should exercise his veto power and “wipe the chalkboard clean”.

BY: B. Keith Plunkett | UCF Staff   @Keithplunkett The argument from the protectors of the bureaucracy who are against Gov. Phil Bryant using his veto authority to do away with SB 2161 has moved from blind allegiance (But, look so many legislators voted for it. It must be good, right?); to political apology (Sorry, we … Continue reading PLUNKETT: SB 2161 perpetuates statism of #CommonCore; Gov. Bryant should exercise his veto power and “wipe the chalkboard clean”.

PLUNKETT: Reeves #CommonCore shell game backfires.

BY: B. Keith Plunkett @Keithplunkett Lt. Governor Tate Reeves election year political attempts to claim part of "his" agenda in the Mississippi Senate was successful, to end Common Core, continues to be dismissed by those on both sides of the issue. Immediately following passage of SB 2161, the bill Reeves claimed ended Common Core, state … Continue reading PLUNKETT: Reeves #CommonCore shell game backfires.

Rep. Monsour on #CommonCore rebrand bill SB 2161 in House: “I imagine a heated battle will ensue.”

Lawmakers in Mississippi’s House of Representatives are next up to tackle the immediate future of Common Core State Standards, with stark differences in opinions being the lone certainty. On Wednesday, state senators passed Senate Bill 2161 creating a 27-member commission to recommend new academic standards for public schools. Thirteen senators voted to dump Common Core … Continue reading Rep. Monsour on #CommonCore rebrand bill SB 2161 in House: “I imagine a heated battle will ensue.”

Brookhaven TEA Party calls Lt. Gov. Reeves out on #CommonCore stance.

The Brookhaven Tea Party doesn't believe the anti-Common Core measure backed by Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves is anti-Common Core enough, and it warns that it's a plot by Reeves to help enrich former Gov. Haley Barbour "cronies and his K-Street lobbying firm." Reeves supports Senate legislation that creates of a 27-member commission to draft academic … Continue reading Brookhaven TEA Party calls Lt. Gov. Reeves out on #CommonCore stance.

HARRISON: Speaker Gunn forces through bill to rename #CommonCore, won’t be as welcome in senate.

BY: Bobby Harrison | Daily Journal Tea Party Republicans had entered the 2015 session saying they would not be satisfied with anything less than the elimination of Common Core standards, which they claim are part of an attempt by the federal government to take over local school districts. During debate of the proposal to change … Continue reading HARRISON: Speaker Gunn forces through bill to rename #CommonCore, won’t be as welcome in senate.

Supt. Wright tells government school educators that withdrawal from PARCC changes nothing.

State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Carey Wright posted a letter to educators on the Mississippi Department of Education's website after the board of education voted Friday to withdraw from the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) consortium, which developed the English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments aligned to Mississippi's College-and Career-Ready … Continue reading Supt. Wright tells government school educators that withdrawal from PARCC changes nothing.

Group says #CommonCore repeal bills proposed by Speaker Gunn and Sen. Carmichael don’t allow local control.

The Mississippi Faith and Freedom Coalition called on the House and Senate leadership to provide solid legislation to repeal Common Core State Standards “CCSS” that matches their public promises and recent headlines. The Coalition views House Bill 156 authored by Speaker Gunn as a simple rebranding of the standards providing no outright repeal of CCSS … Continue reading Group says #CommonCore repeal bills proposed by Speaker Gunn and Sen. Carmichael don’t allow local control.

Gov. Bryant accused of meddling in community colleges, wants new director with “workforce training and development” experience.

According to a report by the Associated Press, Belle Wheelan, president of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, wrote to retiring Community College Director Eric Clark that she had been contacted by some community college presidents concerning what they consider meddling by Gov. Phil Bryant in the choice for … Continue reading Gov. Bryant accused of meddling in community colleges, wants new director with “workforce training and development” experience.

#CommonCore Maneuvering: MS Board of Education votes to withdraw from PARCC

Mississippi is withdrawing from a multistate testing consortium as it prepares to seek new bids for state tests. The state Board of Education voted Friday to withdraw from the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for Colleges and Careers on Jan. 25. Mississippi had been a founding member of the group, which developed tests to … Continue reading #CommonCore Maneuvering: MS Board of Education votes to withdraw from PARCC